Celebrating 30 Years of QAI

October 22, 2019 | Categories: Organic, Our Team, Industry Updates

Longtime members of our team had a lot of fun making this video, in which they describe the paper-intensive “olden days” of organic certification. “I spent 60% of my days chasing three-ring binders,” Senior Certifications Project Manager Lori Hooker jokes.

When founded in 1989, QAI used private standards until the Organic Foods Production Act established federal regulations in 1990. Since then, “the organic industry has been kind of like getting into a Lamborghini,” says Senior Certification Project Manager Kasey Moctezuma. “All of the sudden, it just went from 0 to 150 mph in [what seems like] two seconds.”

We can’t wait to see what the next 30 years bring – and to help shape continuous improvement of the organic program as well as the success of our customers, large and small.

Enjoy the video!